Mentoring packages

 Mentoring packages is a transformative practice that fosters personal and academic growth by pairing students with experienced mentors who provide guidance, support, and encouragement. Whether in academic settings, extracurricular activities, or professional environments, mentoring plays a crucial role in empowering students to reach their full potential. Here’s an exploration of the significance and benefits of student mentoring:


Our silver service is where your child starts to experience monthly mentoring
£900 per academic year
  • Monthly zoom or in person session with Mentor
  • Monthly check up on homework and mock exam progress
  • Access to Mentor Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm via phone call and messages


Our most popular mentoring option.
£1500 per academic year
  • Fortnightly zoom or in person session with Mentor
  • Fortnightly check up on homework and mock exam progress
  • Attend parents evening at school / college and report back to family with results
  • Access to Mentor Mon - Sun, 9am - 5pm via phone call and messages


A full service package where we liaise with your child’s school on your behalf and more.
£2,495 per academic year
  • Weekly zoom or in person session with Mentor
  • Weekly check up on homework and mock exam progress
  • Attend parents evening at school and report back to family with results
  • Access to Mentor 24/7 Mon - Sun via phone calls and messages
  • Be first point of contact for School / College


Our starter service is where your child starts to experience weekly mentorship.
£32 +VAT per session
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)


Our most popular mentoring option.
£32 +VAT per session
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)


A full service package where we liaise with your child’s school on your behalf.
£32 +VAT per session
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
  • Weekly zoom session with ECNM expert mentor (1hr)
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